Friday, May 21, 2010

Fall schedule (quote from Dr. Swatz Email)

Dear Marketing and International Business students,

None of you really want to hear any more bad news about the budget cuts but I suppose it’s better to face reality than pretend all is well.

This quarter we will lose seven professors who might have returned fall quarter and we have been given not one single replacement. If you do the math that means we will be forced to cut our fall offerings so drastically that it could well be that some of you cannot get a seat in a single class in your major. But we cannot just offer classes without teachers so following is what our actual fall laydown is likely to look like as soon as Martha returns from sick leave:

Whitson…301 TR 10; 411 TR 1.

Roxas…414 TR 8 and TR 3, 411 TR 10.

Emilio….301 MW 4, 308 MWF 1, 299 TBA.

Jung….301 MWF 9:15, 517 6.

Hossain…301 TR 1, 633 6.

Assumma….435 MWF 11:45, 306 MW 2 and MW 6.

Bryant….200 M at 6 and W at 6, 307 MW 2, 327 MW 4.

Hu….320 TR 8 and TR 10, 416 TR 1.

Liu….421 MWF 8 and MWF 10:30, 408 MW 2.

Myers….403 TR 1, 307 TR 3, 320 TR 6.

Wallace 480 TR 3, 436 TR 6, 300 TR 8 pm.

Swartz….400 ARR, 441 ARR, 442 ARR, 492 TR 10.

Staff????...408 TR 10 and TR 1, 652 6.

(The “staff” line will appear in BD but we cannot guarantee these sections will be filled.)

For those of you who already registered with priorities kindly log back onto BD soonest with this corrected schedule so you still can get a full slate of classes.

My sincerest apologies for this beyond minimal schedule. I do trust you understand I cannot offer a full lineup with half of a fully staffed department.

Kindest Regards,


James E. Swartz, Ph.D.

Professor and Chair

Department of International Business and Marketing

The California State Polytechnic University

3801 West Temple Avenue

Pomona, CA 91768

909/869-2435 phone

909/869-3647 FAX

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